Whitefish River Falls and Log Chute June 1901 - Derek Coleman

Early 1900s and a women's group from Little Current.Whitefish Falls & Log Chute Hugh Cummings Photo - Tim Gallagher
Early 1900s and a women's group from Little Current.Whitefish Falls & Log Chute Hugh Cummings Photo - Tim Gallagher
Wedding Day 1929; Jessie (Willis) & Ernie Spry owners of Stump & Spry Store- WILLIS Family Archives
Wedding Day 1929; Jessie (Willis) & Ernie Spry owners of Stump & Spry Store- WILLIS Family Archives
Hiway 68 near Willisville turn looking towards the mountain that is now the INCO Quarry circa 1940 Hugh Cummings Photo- John & Sissy Nichols
Hiway 68 near Willisville turn looking towards the mountain that is now the INCO Quarry circa 1940 Hugh Cummings Photo- John & Sissy Nichols
Whitefish Falls & Deagles Power Plant Hugh Cummings photo - John & Sissy Nichols
Whitefish Falls & Deagles Power Plant Hugh Cummings photo - John & Sissy Nichols
The twin log cabins where Group of 7 artist A. J. Casson stayed at Stump & Sprys ( now River Lodge ) on the Whitefish River in Whitefish Falls.
The twin log cabins where Group of 7 artist A. J. Casson stayed at Stump & Sprys ( now River Lodge ) on the Whitefish River in Whitefish Falls.
Fireplace at Stump & Sprys.
Fireplace at Stump & Sprys.
Jessie Spry & Marion Stump
Jessie Spry & Marion Stump
Stump & Sprys
Stump & Sprys
St Augustine's Anglican church 1931
St Augustine's Anglican church 1931
Whitefish Falls School 1937
Whitefish Falls School 1937
Family Day  1947
Family Day 1947
Lodge at Stump & Spry's 1953
Lodge at Stump & Spry's 1953
first retirement at lawson quarry
first retirement at lawson quarry
Lincoln Stump & Ernie Spry - John & Sissy Nichols
Lincoln Stump & Ernie Spry - John & Sissy Nichols
Fireplace at Stump & Spry's Lodge - Photo by Hugh Cummings
Fireplace at Stump & Spry's Lodge - Photo by Hugh Cummings
Willisville gang at the red dog 1950s
Willisville gang at the red dog 1950s
Cecil Esquimaux, JJ Bilocki, Norman Esquimaux and Rufus McGregor at the Red Dog August 1981
Cecil Esquimaux, JJ Bilocki, Norman Esquimaux and Rufus McGregor at the Red Dog August 1981
Lyle Cranston & Don MacDonald 1960s - Perry Campbell
Lyle Cranston & Don MacDonald 1960s - Perry Campbell

Bonnie & Ron Bonas in Whitefish Falls, 1938/39, with the Whitefish Falls Hotel in the background. Note the cows crossing the road behind them.

Does anyone have any photos or information about the Whitefish Falls Hotel?

Bonnie & Ron Bonas at Gagnon's in Whitefish Falls , 1933, with the Whitefish falls hotel in the background.

1932 log chute and river run at Whitefish Falls.

1932 log chute and river run at Whitefish Falls.

Whitefish Falls Hotel - Brenda White photograph

Deagle's Power Plant ruins at Whitefish Falls

Elizabeth How Nahwegahbow and grandson Curtis Nahwegahbow 

Family Day in front of the Whitefish Falls School 1950s

View from the mountains near Whitefish Falls
by Hugh Cummings

Whitefish Falls in the 1990s

Whitefish Falls in the 1960s

Stump & Spry's double cabin where Group of 7 artist A. J. Casson
 stayed with his family while painting in La Cloche in the 1950s.

Church at Whitefish Falls
Pencil sketch by Joachim Gauthier, 1930s

The Lawson Quarry on Highway 6, 1974

Scene near Whitefish Falls

Photograph by Hugh Cummings

Aerial View of Whitefish Falls

Bay Villa, Whitefish Falls, 1990s

Forbes Resort, Whitefish Falls, 1990s

The winding road to Little Current
View near Whitefish Falls
Photograph by Hugh Cummings

The Trudeau homestead in Whitefish Falls.
Thanks for the photograph Brenda White.

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